As sad and unsociable as it seems, I'm actually writing this on New Years Eve.. I'm sat in my fabulous new Joules (ooh fancy I know!) navy and white striped, dressing gown (which was an absolute bargain by the way, at just £19.95 John Lewis clearance! Sadly it's out of stock online, but if you're passing through this weekend, you might just be able to nab the last one!) Anyway, I'm sat here writing a blogpost on New Years Eve and for some unknown reason I am feeling very motivated and excited for the new year, (you know "new year, new me" and all that rubbish) so I thought I'd come and get my thoughts down in writing!
As many of you know, 2016 is going to be a very exciting but also, as corny as it sounds, a bit of a life-changing year for me. On March 10th, Loz and I will be hopping aboard a plane heading for sunny Sydney and all that Australia's East Coast has to offer! (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!!)
Every year, I make the New Years resolution to be more spontaneous and travel more, because unfortunately I am not a massively seasoned traveller, yet here I am with plans to spend 6 weeks, (4 of which are completely unplanned, with no flight home booked, across the other side of the world!?) Now if that's not spontaneous travelling I don't know what is!
The other big event happening towards the end of 2016 is that I am of course, heading to Bournemouth University to study Multimedia Journalism, (yaaaayyyy!!!) In all honesty I keep forgetting that I have secured a place at Bournemouth and that I am actually moving away from home and getting back on the education bandwagon (that's gonna be a tough one isn't it...)
The prospect of actually living two and a half hours away from home is probably going to be the toughest part about going to uni. Being part of such a close-knit family, means that the thought of not being around them everyday is very daunting. However, that being said I think I have reached that stage in my life now where I'm kind of ready to branch out a little bit and be more independent. (cue Destiny's Child- Independent Woman lyrics..)
I will obviously try and keep you up to date with said events above as often as I can, which brings me onto my 2016 New Years Resolutions. I'm not normally one for New Years Resolutions but seeing as this year is gonna be a big year for me, I'm feeling very inspired and motivated to make a few changes.
One of my main resolutions is, as cliche as it sounds, to do more of what makes me happy! And writing on this blog makes me ruddy elated! I've had a few people say to me recently; "Kez what happened to your blog?" And in all honesty I have completely neglected it due to the fatigue that full-time work brings (i know 99% of y'all can relate.) But I have set myself a completely achievable target of AT LEAST 1 blogpost each fortnight. Now I know that sounds like nothing, in comparison to how regularly I used to post, but I know that if I say, "oh I'll post 2 blogposts a week," I won't be able to stick to it and then I'll end up doing what I've been doing and just completely neglecting it again!
(Now that I've put this resolution down in writing hopefully it will make me stick to it.. fingers crossed!)
2. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day!
Again another typical 'white girl, new year new me resolution, but one that I am really s**t at doing. Everywhere, I see and read the importance of staying hydrated, yet when I'm at work I'll be lucky if I have more than 2 cups of water a day, (awful I know.) Now I know that 2 litres breaks down into roughly 8 glasses, but personally I find it a lot easier if I just condense that down to one easy to visualise object, a mahossive 2 later bottle. I'm going to make a pledge to take that to work everyday and finish it (at least) by the end of the day. Hopefully I'll see the effects through my skin and the fuller feeling that it gives which will hopefully stop me from snacking!!
This brings me nicely onto my third and final resolution,
3. To live a healthier lifestyle!
AGAIN ANOTHER CLICHE but it is SUCH an important one. At the beginning of this year, I was doing the 30 minute Belly Blitz 3-4 times a week and I was feeling so much more confident with my body and my overall well-being, but somewhere along the way, I feel off that bandwagon and with the beginning of full-time work, I sadly stopped dancing completely :( This means that my only exercise is about an hour of walking, when I walk to and from work and the train station every day. Now when it comes to exercising/healthy eating I definitely find the exercising bit the easiest, I reckon that with some will-power and sheer determination at the start, I would be able to exercise either at home or at a gym at least 3 times a week and so that's what I'm going to aim for. At least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week.
Now comes the tricky part, healthy eating.. The only way that this is going to happen is if I gradually cut things out and only have unhealthier foods in moderation. In reality if I tried to cut something out completely, that would lead to binge eating like a ravenous animal.. So we're not going down that path.. I'm not going to make any strict resolution with this one, but I am just going to aim to opt for healthier alternatives at each meal and maybe even keep a food diary? I've heard that keeping one of these, even just for a week is surprisingly eye-opening, as it makes you realise just how much you eat in a day, maybe even some things you sub-consciously ate without even realising (i.e: the 10 bourbons as I'm watching First Dates..)
I'm gonna round this post up here, but basically I just want to wish you all a year of good health and happiness and I hope that this year is as exciting and (hopefully) as rewarding as mine is shaping up to be!
Lots of love
Kez xxx