I've typed and re-typed this first line a solid 10 times (as you can see I've settled for this cracking intro..)
I don't even know where to begin?! I've just read my last blogpost back, new year, new me HA HA HA HA HA HA. I am not slim and trim, I still eat complete crap and as you can quite clearly see I have not been updating this blog AT ALL. (Good job kez)
But in terms of new year, new me, thats not completely untrue! This year has definitely been THE BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE SO FAR. As you may or may not know, earlier this year I travelled the East Coast of Australia from Melbourne all the way up to Cairns for 7 weeks and I can honestly say hands down it was the best thing I have ever done in my whole life. I won't ramble on about it too much now but I am considering doing some blogposts about it looking back on it, giving my tips and tricks on what to do in each place and the best places to stay/eat (if you like Nutella, trust me you will NEED to read these posts, my Nutella consumption in Oz reached an all time high...) Let me know if you're about to embark on your gap year or even if you'd just be interested in knowing what I got up to?
Another big milestone in my life is that I have officially embarked on a degree in Multimedia Journalism at Bournemouth University! I moved down to the beautiful coastline in the middle of September and am currently well and truly immersed in 'student-life' and all it has to offer! (Most importantly VK's <3 <3) In the words of RiRi, 'where have they been all my life???' Again I want to keep this post as brief as possible because we all know how much I love to ramble on and on and write small dissertations for you all to read! But I am definitely going to be posting about my first experiences of all things Uni (spoiler: I cried more times than I had hot dinners, and as a uni student that seems entirely plausible because my cooking skills are about as good as a chocolate teapot..)
I've typed this whilst watching I'm A Celeb (YAYYYYYY IT'S BACKKKK!!) So please excuse any errors, I've just had a sudden urge to blog again because I really miss it!
Obviously attempting to blog alongside a degree is notably not one of my best ideas but I'm just going to post as and when I can! So hopefully you'll all stick around and bear with me??
Thank you for reading!
Kez xxx