When I started my blog, I said to myself, "I will never become one of those people who starts a blog, and then a few posts in, just neglects it completely."
Yet here I am..
To cut a long story very short, in order for me to be able to fund my travelling ventures, (which I will update you on in a bit. VERY EXCITING.) I have had to go full time at my current job. This means that when I'm not working I am either catching up on sleep or eating... (What a life I lead eh.)
However, as I have obviously just passed my test I have been on the lookout for a car. (WHICH HAS BEEN VERY UNSUCCESSFUL AND FRUSTRATING) This meant that my days off were spent galavanting around our area, looking at cars in the hope of securing one of my own!
However, much to my disappointment and frustration, this didn't happen. Every car we looked at just wasn't right in some way or another, so here I am, over 3 weeks post-test, STILL without a car (*cries*).
So as I had spent my days off getting frustrated and upset about not securing a car, consequently this meant that;
1. I wasn't in the right frame of mind to write blogposts.
2. I hadn't spent my days off doing/buying anything interesting worth writing about..
Nevertheless, I thought that instead of forcing out a new make-up or clothing post, I would just give you a little update on what's going on in Kez's life!
So first and foremost. LAUREN AND I HAVE (pretty much) PLANNED OUT OUR TRAVELLING ROUTE!! We have yet to properly book anything yet, but after spending 5 hours in STA planning flights, accommodation, routes etc etc..
We have decided to do a two week tour in Australia, going from Cairns all the way to Sydney. I will go into a lot more detail about this tour when we have definitely booked it, but lets just say this is probably the part of the trip that I am most excited about! Because as you know from my Top 10 Places That I Want To Visit post, Aus is top of the list! We then decided that after a whirlwind 14 day tour in Aus, a week in Fiji would be rather delicious don't ya think!? We are looking to stay at the Blue Lagoon Resort which is on a secluded island in the middle of nowhere. Bliss. Now obviously we haven't booked it yet so I can't get too excited, but if you're a jealous person, don't type the resort name into Google images..
Lastly, we decided that if we were going to do Aus, it would only be right to do Thailand too, right? We are HOPEFULLY going to be visit an elephant sanctuary which looks after old and sick elephants (*heart melts*) for 4 days, before venturing onto do a 9 day tour of Thailand. This is the area that is a bit up in the air at the moment so I can't confirm anything for sure, as we don't know what tour we want to do yet. But nevertheless I am so bloody excited!!!!!
Obviously this sort of once in a lifetime trip comes at a cost.. And as I will be paying for it all myself this means that I will be work work workingggggggg. Unfortunately this means that I probably won't be able to update you guys on here as often as I would like :((( However! I will try my absolute hardest to write at least 1 blogpost a week!?
I apologise now, as I can see myself having to refrain from writing about travelling in every single blogpost, seeing as we are having to pay for the 6 week trip in bits. But I have a few outings planned that I may be able to blog about in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled!
Thank you for your patience, you lovely people! I promise I won't leave it so long until the next blog post!
Kez xxx
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