(By the way I'm sure most of you are wondering why I always say jeff? Who's Jeff?
1. Because I recently realised that I swear way to much to be remotely considered as "ladylike"
2. Because it's just funnier, "what the jeff!?" "Jeffin'ell" (common phrases of mine).
This blogpost, (as you guessed by the title) is gonna involve me imparting my little musical gems that I feel deserve alot more recognition that what they are getting! (i.e: me listening to them repeatedly on my iTunes) As some of you may or may not know, as part of my Extended Project at sixth form, I created a music based blog (http://ohjustsomemusicalnotes.blogspot.co.uk) and most of these artists have been reviewed or mentioned on there. However, most of the artists have recently come out with a lot of new music which I am yet to have a lil' natter about, so that's what this post is for!
So without further ado, here we go! First up are two ladies which have had me listening to my headphones more than my mum (soz mum ily really xoxo) Tori Kelly and Sinead Harnett.
Where do I even begin??
Well rather than me just regurgitating THIS blogpost, go and give that a lil' read to find out about how Tori rose to fame and some of my favourites from her older music.
But as I said, I'm here to talk about her new material, and let me tell you it is P H E N O M E N A L.
Titled 'Unbreakable Smile', Tori's new album has completely exceeded all expectations. The one thing I love, love, love about Tori, is her unbelievably truthful and relatable lyrics. As a bit of soppy gal, there's nothing better than when you're in whatever mood and then you just put on a song that completely parallels EXACTLY how you feel (just me?!) You're just sat there like YAAAASSS I'm not the only one!
With that in mind, the first two songs that I'm gonna talk about are a bit more #emosh, compared to some of the other songs on the album. First up is First Heartbreak, (pretty self-explanatory title) this is one of my favourites purely because of her effortless vocal range! For example, the first verse we are treated to her lower range and then out of nowhere, she just effortlessly slips into that astounding higher pitch?! (DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME: There will be reminiscent sounds of strangled cats.) When I first listened to it I was like, oh that must be so auto-tuned and edited for the album.. Just take a listen to the live version.. WTF.
I feel like now would be the time to mention that I WANT HER HAIR. SO BADLY. AND HER FACE AND TEETH AND SKIN TONE. SHE'S JUST SO GORGEOUS.
Anyway, next up is gonna be the one that goes straight onto most of your iTunes, because a certain ginger fellow makes an appearance on this one (and no it wasn't me as a baby). Mr Ed Sheeran, collaborates with Tori on the beautiful track, 'I Was Made For Loving You'. Unfortunately this song is yet to be accompanied by a video but I'm gonna start a petition because I'd love to see what the final outcome would be! Maybe another Thinking Out Loud-esque dance routine??? Again the lyrics are so beautiful and truthful, which is not surprising as it was written by the King and Queen of heartfelt lyrics! I wouldn't be surprised if this one made it onto the 'wedding first dance songs list' (is there such a thing?!) Joining 'Thinking Out Loud', All Of Me etc etc.. JUST GO AND YOUTUBE IT NOW!! (actually finish reading this blogpost then you can xoxo).
Next up are 3 more upbeat and kinda sassy and defiant songs! First up is album titled 'Unbreakable Smile' this song features Tori completely changing things up with some rapping! Now I must say I like the lyrics in the rapping parts but the chorus and the "la da da da dee" bits are not my favourite lyrics.. but each to their own! Next up is 'Should've Been Us' and similarly to 'Unbreakable Smile' this track is a lot more hip-hop sounding compared to her solely acoustic based tracks, and I've gotta say, I love it! The video for this one was very impromptu and was made in just half a day!
Lastly with this song, if you read my random facts about me post, then you'll know that Miranda Sings is my spirit animal, and when this video popped up in my subscriptions box, my love for both Miranda and Tori was x1000000. ("But here's a tornado mother trucker!, oh my god I died).
Lastly, my favourite of these 3, 'Nobody Love' THE BEAT THO. My snake hips come out to play when this comes on okay. Also that denim number she is wearing, I NEEEEED IT. This one is a lot more pop based, the lyrics are a bit cliché and a bit cheese on toast, but who doesn't love a few cheesy lyrics every once in a while?? Lastly, can we talk about the "Ohhhhhhh yeeaaahhhhh" note at 2:29 please? H O L Y G U A C A M O L E.
(R.I.P KEZ).
Next up is someone that I have recently discovered in the past few months thanks to my old dance teacher! She choreographed the sickest and bloody sassiest routine to one of this lady's songs, and I have been hooked ever since.
Let me introduce to you, Sinead Harnett,
Now lets just get one thing straight, is it only me who sees Ruby Rose when they look at her??
Anyway, this lady was first introduced to me, when my sister showed me her new dance routine to Sinead's track 'She Ain't Me'. This song, to put it bluntly, is about when your ex-boyfriend gets a new girlfriend and basically she ain't you! With a beat and lyrics that leave you feeling like a sassy queen, whack this one on alongside some Queen B, for some total female empowerment! Definitely my favourite of all of her music so far. GET THIS ON ASAP.
Next up is one of her old tracks, a lot more chilled, 'No Other Way (ft Snakehips)' Her voice is just so easy to listen to over and over! And the chorus is so darn catchy, (bloody annoying when you find yourself humming it for 3 days afterwards.. but so worth it). Similarly to Tori Kelly, SO DARN GORGEOUS. I WANNA BE HER.
Onto the last 2 tracks of this post, the first is one that I've literally just come across, as I was listening to her songs on Youtube to help me write this blogpost, she did a cover of one of my absolute favourite old school songs, 'Wish I Didn't Miss You' by the phenomenal voice that is Angie Stone. THIS is the original, and THIS is the cover. Obviously nothing can beat the original, with that powerhouse of a voice, but I love Sinead on the cover! I say Sinead, because although the guy is very talented, Sinead is SLAYING IT. (Also, if you close your eyes and just listen, do you see what I mean with my Jessie J reference?!)
Lastly is Sinead's newest track 'Do It Anyway'. I know I've said the words 'sassy' and 'defiant' WAYYY too many times than is socially acceptable, but this song truly is the epitome of "I do not give a jeff". The beat in the chorus reminds me of 'M.I.A.- Paper Planes' AHAHHA, (please tell me someone else hears it too?!)
On that crazy note, I'm gonna leave this post here! Now get your lil butts over to Youtube and give Tori and Sinead a listen!
I'll try and get Pt 2- The Lads, up very soon for y'all!
Kez xxxx