Tuesday 1 September 2015

Life Update


I know it has been what seems like an eternity since my last post, but little old me has experienced a whirlwind few weeks!

To start this post off, as of Sunday evening when I ventured out into town to celebrate the bank holiday weekend, I ONLY WENT AND LOST MY JEFFIN' PHONE DIDN'T I. :(((((((

To cut a long story short, Lauren wore heels, said heels weren't compatible with the club's stairs, Lauren tripped and fell on step and split the skin above her eyebrow open resulting in our (Loz, Amber and myself) debut night out A&E trip. (Every friendship group needs to have one.) In the midst of this little event my little phone decided to trot off somewhere and is yet to be found. Do not panic though, Loz is all fine and well which is the main thing, but I do feel as though I have lost my right arm in not having my phone, which sounds completely pathetic, but sadly very true.

The worst thing about losing my phone is that I have lost all of my photos and videos from the past few weeks as I didn't get a chance to put them onto my laptop :( (broken heart emoji x100000). Luckily being the eager beaver that I am, I uploaded my V Festival pictures onto Facebook the day I got back, so I can still do an V Fest related post if y'all would like me to? (In that post, I can also attempt to address the subject of how to style the horrific festival necessity that are wellies if anyone would find that useful?! Because they seriously look and feel like I am wearing two sodding tree trunks and they are just generally naaat cute.) But the photos that I am most upset about are the ones I took on my recent trip to Brighton with my friend Charlotte! :( (woooo first ever shoutout for you Charlotte, you finally made it onto my blog!) Now it is especially emosh, as it was my first ever trip to Brighton and I had managed to capture some rather fabulous panorama's of the pier etc, etc. (I don't wanna think about it too much because I'll get a tear-stained keyboard.) Now I'm sure loads of you out there will be shouting CHECK YOUR iCLOUD KEZ THEY'LL BE ON THERE!! But unfortunately I didn't have much storage on my phone and even though I kept getting messages telling me I had limited storage and that I need to clean my phone (HOW BLOODY ANNOYING ARE THESE MESSAGES!!? IS IT JUST ME?! I do not need to be reminded every minute that I have low storage!! And even when you delete all your jeffin' apps, all your videos and photos, THERE STILL ISN'T ENOUGH ROOM!!!) GRRRR. So unfortunately as far as I am aware, those are lost 4eva *tear*.

However being the optimistic bean that I am, I am hopeful that my phone will find it's way back to me eventually, so maybe I'll get those photos back after all! I would love to do a post on my first every Brighton experience but it will just be very lacking in pictures? Wha'dyya reckon? I won't go into too much detail now, but lets just say I will DEFO be going back there in the very near future for a long weekend because 5 hours was nowhere near enough time!

Next up on the agenda, travelling! Bit more exciting that the opening of this post... (ever so sorry about that, but just keeping it real ya know!) Loz and I took a trip (or should I say swim, because of the torrential downpour we experienced) to STA travel and grabbed ourselves some brochures and asked a few questions about where we should even begin to start looking to plan our adventures! Now just some advice for any of you planning on visiting any travel places for the first time: get a vague idea of where you want to visit, a rough time period and a rough budget! When Loz and I went, we must've looked like two rabbits caught in headlights because we had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA about most of this and it was a bit of a wasted journey to be completely honest! (Sorry Loz if you're reading this, hope ya thought the same?!) However we did get out hands on the brochures and after I've finished writing this, I'm going to make myself some lunch, a cup of milky tea (with 1 sugar just in case you ever get the pleasure of my company) I jest, and clear the kitchen table so that I can sprawl the brochures all over the table and just peruse the brochures with their glossy beach photos and dream of next summer!

This next month is going to be full of new and exciting but also some very sad changes! (When I say sad, don't panic it's nothing too serious, but lots of my friends will be heading off to the big wide world of uni, and it's gonna be very sad for little Kez even though I'll be following suit this time next year! The toughest one is going to be when my best friend Josh leaves. Now, our friendship could be a whole blogpost in itself! (I hope he doesn't mind me saying this... I would text him and double check but I don't have a phone...) But basically Josh and I have been friends since about Year 4/5 and we've been through school and life together ever since! We are very similar people in numerous ways and one thing about us is that we love to just go on spontaneous long walks and just have a good old natter and usually a vent! Now he did absolutely spectacularly in his results (fist pump) and he (as I knew he would) has secured himself a place at a university which is almost 4 hours away! Now I know I just mentioned that we liked long walks, but that might be pushing it a bit... So it is going to take a bit of adjusting knowing that I can't just text him and go out for a walk! However technology is a gem and I'm sure we will be face timing when he isn't busy being a studious bean so "all is well" as he would say!

I think I'm gonna put this post to rest and make myself that milky tea and lunch that I have promised myself and start perusing those travel brochures! Now if you could say a prayer in your thoughts for my lost phone that would be much appreciated. (I'm being serious) But I will be back ASAP with a V Fest/Brighton/Other post for you all!

Thank you ever so much for your patience.

Kez xxx

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